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Love can happen. It really can. Just because you’re wearing jeans today and hanging out at your local bar doesn’t mean you’ll end up single. The thing is, dating—even if you’re looking for love—isn’t for everyone. So first, you’ve got to pick your poison. Are you the type of person who needs a one-night stand, a tryst, or a fling? Or are you ready for a long-term relationship or the promise of a future? To narrow down the field, you’ve got to look at what kinds of people appeal to you. Are you sociable and charismatic, or not so outgoing? Are you more of a brunette or a blonde? Are you looking for a boy or a girl? Do you want to live in a city or a small town? The answers to these questions will guide you on what kind of dating you’re in for. The Casual One If you’ve got time to spare and a strong stomach for fried food and second-hand smoke, the casual dating scene is for you. Simply put, the casual dating scene is all about hanging out and having a good time. You can spend hours on end with a group of people and never discuss your feelings. Casual dating works for the single most laid-back people, like hermits and total burnout chicks. You may be in your 20s, and you’re out there trying to meet new people and have a good time. Casual dating can be fun, but you have to be able to have a good time—but that’s the point. Fun has to start somewhere. Casual dating is sort of like making the rounds at a party to get to know new people. You go to a bar, a couple of bars, and maybe find a date to go to dinner with, and you have fun. It’s easy because it’s not a “system” that has rules. No expectations. No drama. It’s the classic wing-it approach to dating. If you’re looking for a fling or for a one-night stand, casual dating is for you. The One-Night Stand If you’re looking for something more than a one-night stand and the casual dating scene just isn’t your speed, consider the O.N.S—the “On-the-Night-Stand” dating scene. If you’re looking for a casual fling, this is one of the places
We’ve got the 411 on how to take your dating strategy to the next level, how to talk to guys, and how to find a partner—better yet, how to find someone who loves you for who you are (because that’s what really matters). Ready to get rolling? Go! Dating Tips Finding a way to connect with someone you like—whether it’s a date or more—is the hard part. If you’re ready for the next step, go to the next page to make sure you’re both on the same page. And if not, oh, well. 1) Before you ever make plans, make sure you know where it is you want to be. Talk to people you like, see if there is a kink that can be in your game. This way you can determine if you’re ready to make the jump to being a romantic, and do it safely, of course. You don’t want your first date to be like your first run-in with the law. Photo by Chaney Thompson 2) If you’re a long distance, you’re already on the road, so why not take the scenic route? Find a place that, for you, feels safe, and is where you know that you’ll feel comfortable. Sometimes it works out to be a lunch date or a coffee date (or drinks. I’ll get to that in a second). And, on the other end, do yourself the favor of meeting at the place where you’re most comfortable, because that says a lot about who you are. Photo by The Q 3) Your first run-in with the law should have nothing to do with your dating strategy. If you’re at a place where everyone’s just hanging out, that’s your golden opportunity to ask about their jobs, what they do, how much they earn. What kind of man does that? Yes, it’s awkward to ask about your neighbor’s income, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t see how much money they make. Photo by ishthebru 4) Since it’s relatively easy to find a date for a relatively simple or affordable date in most major cities, use that as your opportunity to actually make a date. But, that doesn’t mean you have to pay through the nose for that. That cheap downtown bar is your blessing. Don’t think it’s a place where your date will think less of you. (You shouldn’t have to, because

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