Ekman Emotion In The Human Face Pdf Download [WORK]

Ekman Emotion In The Human Face Pdf Download [WORK]

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Ekman Emotion In The Human Face Pdf Download

epidemiological features of the skin diseases and skin disorders are critical for the development of appropriate and cost-effective prevention and health promotion strategies that are effective in each country. a more comprehensive understanding of skin physiology provides an opportunity to develop more effective diagnoses and therapies.

although clear and accurate data are critical to the success of clinical dermatology, a basic understanding of the surface characteristics of the skin is an important step to understanding disease pathogenesis and the natural history of skin conditions. this chapter is intended to provide a basic description of the skin, skin diseases, and skin disorders including a discussion of what goes into the diagnosis of each.

the skin is a major part of the human body. it is the organ that covers the body. it provides protection, temperature regulation, and a means of excreting waste products such as urine. it has two layers: a dense layer of white fatty tissue known as the epidermis and a much thinner layer underneath called the dermis. the skin is made of proteins and mostly water. it is a complex organ, because it serves two major functions: it provides a protective barrier, and it is a source of various biochemical substances. its immunological function is thus essential for preventing infection and promoting healing. the skin is also a sensory organ; it can detect touching, temperature changes, and pain. the skin is the primary interface between the human body and the external environment, and many diseases and physiological states can manifest in the skin.

i wouldnt say that hes doing this for the sake of science but for the sake of the face. he says that he doesnt feel sorry for himself. instead, he says, “it does give me satisfaction to know that i have done the hard work and hopefully the right thing.” given what we currently know, we could probably eliminate the happiness expression and sadness expression from the scheme and have a pretty good list of “general” facial expressions that we associate with most people. each of us has a mental image of how a face is going to look if we ask someone to be happy, or sad, or angry, or embarrassed, or frightened, etc. skin-related diseases often occur on the skin surface. one symptom of many skin disorders is the appearance of redness, which is often caused by a mixture of irritated skin, the action of chemical agents such as irritant chemicals, and changes in blood volume in the skin. complicated skin symptoms in some populations may occur when sub-populations have skin possessing a genetically derived susceptibility to a particular skin disorder, environment or climate, diet, lifestyle, or other characteristics. skin characteristics such as color, thickness and skin condition may also change as a person ages. health and medical providers can use the signs of skin, skin diseases, and skin disorders to assess risk factors, to evaluate health status, and to monitor progress toward specific goals. the signs that a doctor uses to evaluate someone’s health include general observations of the person’s appearance and how well the person is taking care of himself or herself, including cleanliness. the observations and measurements associated with skin, skin diseases, and skin disorders may help determine whether an infection is present or whether a skin disease is responding to treatment. in many cases, examination of the surface of the skin may offer the only way to visualize the condition of the deeper layers of skin. the skin changes and conditions under which skin appears can be indicative of the condition of the internal organs, a possible sign of the presence of a particular disease, or can be correlated with a medical condition. 5ec8ef588b


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