E Stim Mp3 Files Man.zip
here is our first multi-part video for multi-part videos! in this installment of the sequence, we’ll cover the basic concept of a multi-part experience and how to synchronize the parts. part number one, track one, is a simple electrostim file that shows you how to upload it on our site and view it in our browser, as well as sending an email with a link. part number two, track two, is a more advanced file where we show you how to monitor, view, and synchronize the parts. this means that you will be able to make edits and save them for future use.
this is part 1 of a series of 5 easy-to-use videos. in part 1, we will show you how to use our site’s easy-to-use interface to upload, view, and share your custom electrostim experience using our site. we will show you how to send an email with a link to activate your account so you can view your electrostim file. we’ll also show you how to make edits in your electrostim file.
warning people can gain access to your file if they have the email. that means the default setting is to save your file when you view it so all you have to do is click save. do not, for your own safety, allow anyone other than your loved one to make edits to this file. this is a powerful resource that will not be used in the best interest of anyone other than you.
the system recorded the onset times and duration of each stimulus, including the gap before the next sentence. these data were used to determine the response time of each subject and the onset time of the first stimulation in each experiment.
the number of correct responses per speaker was combined across all subjects and experiments. only correct responses from 60% of sentence pairs were accepted as valid responses (ellipsis indicates deletions).
all sentences were then filtered with a low-pass cutoff of 4 cycles/khz (audio s3 ), a cutoff that we would associate with low-pass spectral modulation filters of around 15 hz. comprehension was significantly worsened when filtering with this cutoff. the original sentence in figure 1 would have the same spectral and temporal modulation content as the filtered sentence in audio s3, but with no representation of the temporal segmentation between each word. however, the spectral patterns in the filtered sentence would include considerably more acoustic clutter, and would make it much harder to identify elements of the original sentence, or easily resolve ambiguities in the speech stream (for example, the filler-gap between the words “i” and “very”). the auditory system would actually be doing double work in order to understand the original sentence, not only filtering out the irrelevant spectrum- and time-based patterns but also grouping word-and-fillers by temporal and spectral cues. the original sentence in figure 1 would have the same spectral and temporal modulation content as the filtered sentence in audio s4, with a low-pass cutoff of 12 hz. comprehension would be seriously impaired when filtering with this cutoff, and much more than in the previously described filtered sentences. in the original sentence, although most spectral and temporal modulations are present, all segments are tightly connected by well-defined segment boundaries. the contour lines in the filtered sentence are no longer tight or repetitive enough to form natural segment boundaries, and would make it difficult to understand what is said. identifying the relevant pattern to extract the information would then require considerable attention, which makes understanding such representations difficult. 5ec8ef588b