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Download Terjemahan Kitab Durratun Nasihin PDF File: A Complete Guide

If you are looking for a book that contains valuable advice, warnings, and interesting stories about worldly and spiritual matters, you might want to check out Terjemahan Kitab Durratun Nasihin. This book is a translation of the original Arabic work by Sheikh Usman bin Hasan bin Ahmad Shakir al-Khaubawi, a 18th century scholar who lived in Constantinople (Istanbul, Turkey). In this article, we will explain what Terjemahan Kitab Durratun Nasihin is, why you should read it, and how to download it in PDF format.

What is Terjemahan Kitab Durratun Nasihin?

Terjemahan Kitab Durratun Nasihin is a book that translates the Arabic work Durratun Nāshihīn, which means “The Pearls of the Advisors”. The book is a collection of advice, warnings, stories, and legal explanations that cover various aspects of Islamic teachings. The author compiled these materials from various sources, such as the Quran, the Hadith, the sayings of the companions and the successors of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), and the opinions of the scholars.

The book is divided into 47 chapters, each dealing with a specific topic. Some of the topics include: the virtues of Ramadan, fasting, knowledge, charity, prayer, tawhid (monotheism), repentance, death, resurrection, justice, kindness, remembrance of Allah, trust in Allah, and many more. The book aims to inspire the readers to follow the guidance of Allah and His Messenger (peace be upon him), to avoid sins and oppression, to seek knowledge and wisdom, to be humble and grateful, and to prepare for the hereafter.

Why should you read Terjemahan Kitab Durratun Nasihin?

Terjemahan Kitab Durratun Nasihin is a book that can benefit anyone who wants to learn more about Islam and its teachings. The book is rich in information and insights that can help you understand the principles and values of Islam. The book also contains many stories and examples that can motivate you to improve your character and behavior. The book can also serve as a reminder of the blessings and challenges of this life, and the rewards and punishments of the next life.

Terjemahan Kitab Durratun Nasihin is also a book that has been widely studied and appreciated by many Muslims in Indonesia. The book has been taught in various Islamic schools and institutions for decades. Many scholars and teachers have commented on and explained the book to their students and audiences. However, some scholars have also criticized and warned against some of the weak and fabricated hadiths that are found in the book. Therefore, it is advisable to read the book with caution and verification.

How to download Terjemahan Kitab Durratun Nasihin PDF File?

If you are interested in reading Terjemahan Kitab Durratun Nasihin in PDF format, you can download it from several online sources. However, you should be careful about the quality and authenticity of the PDF files that you download. Some PDF files may contain errors or alterations that can affect the meaning and accuracy of the text. Therefore, it is recommended to download PDF files from reliable and reputable websites.

One of the websites that offers Terjemahan Kitab Durratun Nasihin PDF File for free is . This website provides a complete translation of the book in Indonesian language. You can download each chapter separately or download the whole book as one file. To download the PDF file from this website, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Go to using your browser.
  2. Scroll down until you see a list of chapters with their titles.
  3. Click on the chapter that you want to download.
  4. You will be redirected to another page where you can see a preview of the PDF file.
  5. Click on the download icon at the top right corner of the page.
  6. You will be asked to choose a location where you want to save the file.
  7. Select a location and click save.
  8. The PDF file will be downloaded to your device.

You can repeat these steps for any chapter that you want to download. Alternatively, you can download the whole book as one file by clicking on the link at the bottom of . You will be taken to another website where you can see a button that says “Download Now”. Click on that button and follow the same steps as above.

What are the benefits of reading Terjemahan Kitab Durratun Nasihin?

Reading Terjemahan Kitab Durratun Nasihin can bring many benefits to your life, both in this world and in the hereafter. Some of the benefits are:

  • You can increase your knowledge and understanding of Islam and its teachings. The book covers various topics that are relevant and important for every Muslim, such as faith, worship, ethics, morality, law, history, and eschatology. You can learn from the Quranic verses, the prophetic traditions, the sayings of the righteous predecessors, and the opinions of the scholars that are cited in the book.
  • You can improve your character and behavior by following the advice and warnings that are given in the book. The book contains many pearls of wisdom that can guide you to do good deeds and avoid evil deeds. You can also learn from the stories and examples that illustrate the consequences of obedience and disobedience to Allah and His Messenger (peace be upon him). You can also find inspiration and motivation to strive for excellence and perfection in your religion.
  • You can enhance your spiritual connection with Allah by practicing the remembrance and trust that are taught in the book. The book encourages you to always remember Allah in every situation and to rely on Him for all your affairs. You can also learn how to supplicate to Allah with sincerity and humility, and how to express your gratitude and praise to Him for His favors and blessings. You can also learn how to repent from your sins and seek His forgiveness and mercy.
  • You can prepare yourself for the hereafter by reflecting on the signs and events that are mentioned in the book. The book reminds you of the reality of death, the grave, the resurrection, the judgment, the paradise, and the hellfire. You can also learn about the signs of the Hour, the trials and tribulations that will occur before it, and how to protect yourself from them. You can also learn about the intercession of the Prophet (peace be upon him), the bridge over hellfire, the balance of deeds, and other matters related to the hereafter.

How to read Terjemahan Kitab Durratun Nasihin effectively?

To get the most benefit from reading Terjemahan Kitab Durratun Nasihin, you should follow some tips and guidelines that can help you read it effectively. Some of these tips are:

  • Read it with a sincere intention to seek knowledge and guidance from Allah. You should not read it for worldly purposes or to show off your knowledge. You should also seek refuge with Allah from Satan before you start reading.
  • Read it with a humble attitude and an open mind. You should not be arrogant or prejudiced when you read it. You should also be willing to accept what is true and reject what is false.
  • Read it with a critical eye and a cautious mind. You should not blindly accept everything that is written in it. You should verify the authenticity and reliability of the sources that are used in it. You should also be aware of the weak and fabricated hadiths that are found in it.
  • Read it with a reflective heart and a responsive soul. You should not just read it superficially or mechanically. You should ponder over its meanings and implications. You should also apply its teachings to your life and act upon them.
  • Read it with a consistent habit and a regular schedule. You should not read it sporadically or randomly. You should set a time and a place for reading it daily or weekly. You should also review what you have read periodically.
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What are the reviews of Terjemahan Kitab Durratun Nasihin?

Terjemahan Kitab Durratun Nasihin is a book that has received mixed reviews from different sources. Some people have praised the book for its content and style, while others have criticized the book for its sources and accuracy. Here are some of the reviews that we found online:

  • gave a positive review of the book, saying that it is a book that contains valuable advice, warnings, and interesting stories that cover various aspects of Islamic teachings. The reviewer also said that the book is rich in information and insights that can help the readers understand the principles and values of Islam. The reviewer also appreciated the translation and the layout of the book.
  • gave a negative review of the book, saying that it is a book that contains many weak and fabricated hadiths that are not suitable for learning and teaching. The reviewer also said that the book is not well-organized and lacks proper references and explanations. The reviewer also warned the readers to be careful and cautious when reading the book.
  • gave a neutral review of the book, saying that it is a book that has some benefits and some drawbacks. The reviewer said that the book has some good advice and stories that can inspire and motivate the readers, but it also has some questionable hadiths and opinions that can confuse and mislead the readers. The reviewer also advised the readers to verify and cross-check the sources and the authenticity of the book.


Terjemahan Kitab Durratun Nasihin is a book that translates the Arabic work Durratun Nāshihīn by Sheikh Usman bin Hasan bin Ahmad Shakir al-Khaubawi, a 18th century scholar who lived in Constantinople (Istanbul, Turkey). The book is a collection of advice, warnings, stories, and legal explanations that cover various topics related to Islam. The book aims to inspire and guide the readers to follow the guidance of Allah and His Messenger (peace be upon him), to avoid sins and oppression, to seek knowledge and wisdom, to be humble and grateful, and to prepare for the hereafter.

If you are interested in reading Terjemahan Kitab Durratun Nasihin in PDF format, you can download it from , a website that provides a complete translation of the book in Indonesian language. You can download each chapter separately or download the whole book as one file. However, you should be careful about the quality and authenticity of the PDF files that you download. Some PDF files may contain errors or alterations that can affect the meaning and accuracy of the text.

Before you read Terjemahan Kitab Durratun Nasihin, you should also be aware of the reviews and criticisms that have been made about the book. Some people have praised the book for its content and style, while others have criticized the book for its sources and accuracy. You should read the book with a sincere intention, a humble attitude, a critical eye, a reflective heart, and a consistent habit. You should also verify and cross-check the sources and authenticity of the book.

We hope that this article has given you some useful information about Terjemahan Kitab Durratun Nasihin PDF File. We hope that you will benefit from reading this book and apply its teachings to your life. May Allah bless you and guide you to His path. Ameen.[How%20to%20Write%20Title%20Tags%20for%20SEO%205%20Best%20Practices](2).md


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