HP WinSplit Crack Torrent (Activation Code) For PC [Latest-2022]

WinSplit is a small, simple and easy-to-use application that will allow you to split large files into many small even EXE-files, so you can transfer them to disks. It can of course join them back again. What is WinSplit for ? If you download large files at work and want to transfer them home or […]

Dutch Duck Firefox History Viewer Crack Free Download [32|64bit]

  Download           Dutch Duck Firefox History Viewer 2019 Crack + With License Key [Mac/Win] Browse History (History Viewer) is a helpful add-on for Mozilla Firefox users that enables you to easily browse through the Firefox history from the same tab in the web browser. Browse History works in Mozilla Firefox […]

TechTray Crack

The Internet has opened up new and more efficient methods of staying up to date with latest events around the world. In case you find it time-consuming to use your web browser and search for news, specialized applications such as TechTray bring the latest headlines to your desktop, this one targeting technology. Equipped with several […]

Burp Crack Download

Burp makes it possible for you to set up a backup server where all your important files and folders are securely stored. It is specifically designed for network backups, relying on the capabilities of librsync to monitor network traffic, spot file differences and update backups. Unix server, Windows client The Burp server only runs on […]

MS PowerPoint To MP3 Converter Software Crack Keygen Full Version Free PC/Windows

MS PowerPoint To MP3 Converter Software is a useful application meant to function as a Text to Speech instrument, by helping you turn PowerPoint slideshows to audio format, enabling you to listen to them rather than read them. Clean and simple user interface The appearance of the utility is hardly impressive, but it is easy […]

Annoying Manager Crack License Key Full Download

Annoying Manager is a small software application whose purpose is to help you keep track of office-related activities and set up alerts at certain periods of time. The program offers you the freedom to add tasks and configure the allocated time for each of them. Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 is needed in order to run […]

Flatsch 0.3.0 With Product Key Download [Mac/Win] [April-2022]

Many eye-related health issues can be attributed to not blinking often enough, which generally happens when staring at a computer screen for extended periods. Trying to remember to blink regularly doesn’t usually work, but there are programs out there that can help you out. Flatsch is one of the tools that can come to your […]