Karina E Zindagi Islamic Book In Urdu Pdf 44 !!INSTALL!!

Karina E Zindagi Islamic Book In Urdu Pdf 44 !!INSTALL!!


Karina E Zindagi Islamic Book In Urdu Pdf 44

Let us now look at this in more detail. In India, most Hindu people have been indoctrinated by the affected families that they own the temples. They declared it and forced Hindus to file cases in the temples and the temples were closed. That is why all Hindu communities in India are fighting cases while the temples have been declared as Hindu by the NRI families. Even the Indian government was supporting them until they are made to file case in the court. We are faced many such cases in India. But you must know that the family of Mahalakshmi Temple in Madurai, 20-24 years ago, had proclaimed it an ISLAMIC temple. The NRI families, who got the business in India were expelled from the temple. But once we ensure that the temple is not declared as Islamic and rebuilt. The same Hindu community members who fought to handover Hindu temples and courts to the NRI families have started fighting to rebuild the temple. It is certain that this group of people have become pawn of the affected families. Hindu temple cannot be an “ISLAMIC TEMPLE” it is only a place of GOD, which is being lost, as we see it. They are fighting to reclaim this temple in Madurai. We say that Hindu temple is the place of God and not the place of large business. That’s why we are fighting.We are not involved in any such business and have no commercial interest in the temple. This is our land. If anyone is taking anything from this temple then we are afraid that that person might hurt our God. So we will get the temple open once we reclaim the temple. In Hyderabad, they said that it is an ISLAMIC temple and we have to close the temple. Most of the rescued temples are rebuilding the temples but they have attacked on Temples as they think that they are the genuine president of those temples. There are no such president. The biggest reason of attack on temples is because of land grab or fake ruling by the affected families. If a temple is declared as Islamic. Then it will be a loss of land in every way. I cannot keep my silence about this. That is why I am publishing this. I blame the Congress (Indian secular parties) and Bommai and others who are maintaining them. That’s why we have stirred the language.Everything that is good in Hinduism was lost when we support and maintained the temples, which belong to us. We have the first Prime Minister of India as Shri.




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