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1000 FASHION Javascript . My gallery div is created by a plugin called “PHP Gallery” which creates a div, based on an query made by a different plugin (Gallery 2). I would like to modify the following code : /my_gallery_html/my_gallery.php?id=4 To this : /my_gallery_html/my_gallery.php?id=4&print=true This means that I want to create a popup with additional information in each gallery entry.The javascript below allow me to change the div class. Problem is that I can’t make the javascript work, since it doesn’t display anything when I execute. What am I doing wrong? Thanks! Javascript : 0) { $items = get_items_from_id($itemID, $params); if ($items) { echo ”; echo ‘$(“.main-gallery”).css(“display”,”none”).hide();’; echo ‘$(“.module”).css(“display”,”block”);’; echo ‘$(“.module-title”).text(“Beauty Report”);’; echo ‘$(“.module-title”).html(“Beauty Report”);’; echo ‘$(“.module-title”).removeClass(“module-title”);’; echo ‘$(“.mod-gallery”).css(“display”,”block”);’; echo ‘$(“.mod-gallery”).css(“overflow-y”,”auto”);’; echo ‘$(“.print”).css(“display”,”block”);’; $imgs = $items; $imgs[$itemID][“image”] = $itemID; echo ‘$(“.imgs”).html(show_imgs(‘.$itemID.’,’.$imgs[$itemID][‘images’][‘folder’].’,’.$imgs[$itemID][‘images’][‘archive’],$params));’; echo ‘$(“Print<


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