Bbc English Literary Companion For Class 12

Bbc English Literary Companion For Class 12


Bbc English Literary Companion For Class 12

He also prepares several of his plots using the theatre of gender. The most remarkable example of this is his adaptation and insertion of an earlier Hindu classic, Shurabatpatra (highly recommended in its printed edition by Harprasad Shastri) into a contemporary Bengali feminist story.

A few Bengali ‘names’ are much more familiar to their readers as literary characters than Shakespeare’s: Nawab uzum Nawab of the delta (Debeshchandra Roy Chowdhury); King Rat (Samaresh Majumder);

I do not agree with Mieke Bal’s re-definition of the novel in European cultural history as an engagant rather than an escapist form: Engagants are not cultural movements – they are always the result of a particular constellation of social, cultural, political, and historical conditions. They are intellectual, literary, artistic, or musical movements that function as acts of naming and choosing, not as forms that impose themselves or can be imposed. The novel in Europe, from the French Decadents to the British New Spirit poets of the 1890s, is best understood as a literary engagant that dealt with anxieties about the end of an era, the end of the Victorian empire, and the need to choose and define a new way of life, that consisted in a return to an older (typically medieval) social order, the return to patriarchal values, and an obsession with the visible and material, especially the body, body-self, and the phantasm of the body seen from the disembodied vantage point of a soul. As a literary form, novels are protest rather than escapism.

Innovative literary critics argue that modernist writers were by no means the first to render the meaning of life difficult to describe. Philosophical pessimism and especially existentialism can be traced back to the Greeks, who understood their lives as essentially irrational, and to the Epicureans, who believed that meaning was a matter of the fortunate combination of fate and the prudence of moral action. Self-enclosed philosophical systems like Epicurean philosophy and the stoic are already well on their way to romantic notions of life and immortality, as exemplified in the nineteenth-century novel, but philosophy as a discipline, especially that of Marx and Freud, made modernity seem to be a crisis of meaning. A new fictional language, charged with drama and rich in nuance, language as a vehicle of novelistic irony, was needed to deal with modernity and its affective disorders. This enabled novelists to experience more intensely the individual and collective crises of faith that were the very stuff of political and cultural change. The Greek tragedies of Aeschylus and Sophocles might seem to have more in common with the modern novel than with the epic, but the tragic experience of life as an ordeal, a journey towards the limits of human experience, the idea that life is not fundamentally meaningful, is actually much more close to the modern novel than it is to the epic, where, as Henri Torgue notes, “the protagonists are characterized by their will to power or their despair of power, not by any incapacity to find meaning in life or to ignore it”.


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