Zee Tv Buddha Serial Episode Download [PORTABLE]

Zee Tv Buddha Serial Episode Download [PORTABLE]

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Zee Tv Buddha Serial Episode Download

any mistake that made me feel so uncomfortable was unacceptable and i offer my sincere apology. it was a very difficult decision for me to make but i have to make sure that i am giving the best possible message, that is, the message of the buddha. i think that the buddha’s teaching has no question of gender, as buddha himself became a woman, and that was the reason why this feminine character like maya was born to be the mother of the buddha.

i hope that there will be no offence given and everyone will understand.
if you look at the statue of the buddha there, all the buddhas were male. i have found this puzzling. it is well known that the buddha is, in fact, the first buddha. there is no question of gender, or lineage, or status or anything else. he is the first buddha. this is a very well known fact and it is not a question of gender. there is no question of a male buddha, a female buddha and a third gender buddha. i hope that there will be no question of anyone being offended.

we have not yet decided when the next episode of the tv series will be shown.
i hope that i have explained the position of the tv series and now i offer my sincere apology to those who were, by any means, hurt by the serial episode, which was in the vain male child. it was a dry comment from a friend who watched the episode with me.

i was just doing my best to explain the buddha’s teaching.
i would like to know the details of the birth story.
it will be a good way to instill the principles of the dharma in the minds of primary students.

buddha had been a prince and was raised in luxury, according to the narrative. he was a lover of sex, wine, and women. he seemed to be the archetypical bad boy. he was particularly fascinated by the body of his aunt, and he was always trying to seduce her, to no avail. he thought he could manipulate her into having sex with him. he did everything he could to try to have her love him, but she still rejected him. she was a mere woman. he did it with all the women he could get, but his aunt’s body was unapproachable. there is no buddha without an awakened teacher. just as there is no awakening without the mind of enlightenment, there is no mind of enlightenment without the buddha. but as the man who is most closely associated with the buddha, we do not have to imagine him. buddha himself has left us written records of his life and teachings. we dont have to rely on the sutras. while buddhism has transcended our culture to such a degree that most of us might not even know of its existence, the sutras are still a primary tool of transmission and interpretation. according to buddha, we are all spiritually dead. we have forgotten who we really are. we are not free to be ourselves. we are caught in the vicious cycle of self-repetition. we need to be reborn to gain liberation. we need a teacher to become enlightened. we need dharma to remember ourselves. and we need the dharma to remember us. no amount of spiritual practice will liberate us if we dont keep the dharma in our hearts. we can only realize buddha if we remember buddha. siddhartha was born in the middle of a violent war. his father was a king who wanted to be a warrior. his mother was a queen who wanted to be a politician. his wife was a princess who wanted to be a queen. his teachers were all wrong. buddha wanted to be a “great teacher”. but he didnt want to be anyone else. 5ec8ef588b


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