The Christian Tradition: A Historical And Theological Introduction Mobi Download [2021] Book

The Christian Tradition: A Historical And Theological Introduction Mobi Download [2021] Book

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The Christian Tradition: A Historical And Theological Introduction Mobi Download Book

the church stands on apostolic foundations. the churches present day creed and other confessions also stand on these foundations. the scriptures are indeed important to the church. but the church understands that the new testament canon is not the only scriptures that define the work of the spirit. we have apostolic and other writings that are also essential to the true faith of the church. the church can only accept as inspired those scriptures that have passed both the test of scripture and the test of tradition.

by the middle ages, there were increasing movements to emphasize the scriptures as the only authority of the church. these are called the augsburg confession of 1530, the apologia of 1529, and the heidelberg catechism of 1540. these statements of faith addressed a central concern of the reformation, the nature of the authority of the scriptures. these were supported by the reformed authority of tradition. it is not only what the bible is that was important. what the church has done in the past, its teaching, its worship, is an important part of the scriptures. what the bible has given is not the only authority. we also have the work of the early church. we also have the traditions of the church. we have the experience of the church. all these add a necessary part of the faith. the bible is the part that the church accepts. the experience of the church and the tradition are the rest of the scriptures that the church must accept. it is this recognition that formed the basis of the reformation.

the churches hermeneutical processes still exist. the church must interpret the scriptures. this requires an understanding of the faith of the bible. this involves traditions, religious living of the church, and a shared experience with the experiences of the church. the church has hermeneutical principles and habits. the way the church understands scripture, both the bible and traditions, is as a part of the bible. the church has no authority to add to the scriptures or to take away from the scriptures. the bible has authority.

130. other passages and writers are referred to in the articles of the church following a distinctive method of numbering. these texts are not distinctively styled as belonging to the church, although they are used for the various ministries within the church. the references are for help in elucidating and explaining the meaning of the sacred texts. many of these are comments on the words used or are quotations from the sacred scriptures. faith in the scriptures and tradition are often equated. the basis of the church is not the scriptures, but rather, the tradition by which the scriptures are interpreted. the apostolic tradition, along with the spirit and the church, is the source of the authority and purity of doctrine. while the new testament was meant to be the sole authority of doctrine, it is therefore necessary for the christian to search in other scriptures and in the apostolic traditions for complete guidance in doctrine. the doctrine that is taught in the apostles creed is infallibly true and beneficial. no one, however, can be certain of the infallibility of the declaration of the councils or of the understanding of each of the christian sects. 132. the church does not dictate infallible expressions of doctrine for all ages. it is a living tradition, by no means a book of scholastic knowledge. the writings of the church are infallibly true, living, and certain; they are for our instruction; they are also to be used as the deposit of our faith, as the justification of our faith, and as the source of our faith. in the eleventh century, abelard went a step further than john wycliff. he reasoned that christ is the principle of unity. jesus christ united god, heaven and earth. the son of god, and the virgin mary are the principle of unity. abelard taught that all christian theology must be founded upon the truth. thus theology requires that we distinguish what is true from what is not true. 5ec8ef588b

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